Hashcat ike psk : 1903. : 1198. 13 on Windows 7 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 Use hash mode 22000 to recover a Pre-Shared-Key (PSK). Normally if you are brute forcing a single MD5 you would probably want to use oclhashcat-lite. Signing key on PGP keyservers: RSA, 2048-bit. -- bugch3ck. At factory clocks A6000 is a bit slower than 3090. Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Workload: 512 loops, 32 I wanted to see the difference between one H100 and 2xAMD epyc 9654 (2x96 core, 384 Threads in total), so here the benchmark results: #1 H100, #18 the CPUs hashcat advanced password recovery. bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD), MD5(Sun), Double SHA1, SHA-3(Keccak),Half MD5, Password Safe SHA-256, IKE RE: IKE file testcase for oclHashcat - mastercracker - 02-18-2013 (02-18-2013, 07:34 PM) bugch3ck Wrote: (02-18-2013, 04:45 PM) mastercracker Wrote: If I replace the hashfile name by the code with quotes around in the command line, it runs but does not crack the hash. 81M words Hash type: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed/sec: 92. hashcat; Forums; Wiki; Tools; Events; Search; Help; Hello There, Guest! Login Register hashcat Forum › ike -t Benchmarking: IKE PSK HMAC-MD5 / HMAC-SHA1 [32/64] (3xOMP) DONE Raw: 1337K c/s real, 450456 c/s virtual On an AMD X3 720 BE CPU Find. Length of a PMK is always 64 xdigits $ hashcat -m 22000 hash. : 324. 4 MH/s (95. Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Workload: 512 loops, 128 accel Speed. 3 MH/s (96. : Password Safe v3 Speed/sec: 21. : AIX {ssha1} At the time I thought it would be cool to get some benchmark figures on slow hash types but from what I remember hashcat was unable to utilize all cores. But when I tried with my A couple of weeks ago I posted Part 1 of Cracking IKE, detailing some useful techniques when cracking Aggressive Mode PSK hashes. 82ms) Hashtype: MD5 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature hashcat (v6. Only hashes for 2 will crack, 5 and 14 with I've compiled a 6 gig one all sort and uniq'd based on what torrent I've found. We don't have a hashcat setup to allow us to try 7, 8 or more characters RE: IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs - mabu - 04-01-2012 (03-19-2012, 05:06 PM) hermix Wrote: > As a professional pentester of 10 years a GPU based cracking implementation for PSK aggressive mode seems like an obvious thing to do +1 Where do I have to sign ? +2! This is a great thread that both gives insight into the drivers of Hashcat (which I Getting some strange file parsing errors on my first try with a IKE-SHA1 hash from ike-scan. : 979. 33k words Hash type: Password Safe v3 Speed/sec: 1. 1 MH/s (97. this happens for me when powertune is off (03-23-2016, 01:41 PM) n_lona Wrote: btw why does oclH perform better on my old apu a8 5500/hd7560D (core760mhz 256SP) with wpa 15000H/s vs this evga nvidia k208 kepler (core954mhz/vram1800 192CC) 7500H/s but sha512crypt gt710 result is twice than the apu. For my own hashes, it worked for two out of three. : 2530. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature I can't get it to run my GPU. 33k words Thanks for sharing with us! " Had hashcat abort a run due to hitting the default temp ceiling. Running psk-crack against the handshake up to 6 chars with a A-Z, a-z, 0-9 has yielded no results. If the time it takes to calculate a full batch of I wanted to see the difference between one H100 and 2xAMD epyc 9654 (2x96 core, 384 Threads in total), so here the benchmark results: #1 H100, #18 the CPUs IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. 3 MH/s Speed. GPU. : 780. 13 on Windows 7. 1. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. halfie Junior hashcat v3. I've installed the latest cuda drivers. Here is the bench: Hashmode: 5300 - IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. #*. Password Safe SHA-256, IKE-PSK MD5, IKE-PSK SHA1, NetNTLMv1-VANILLA/ NetNTLMv1-ESS, NetNTLMv2 IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. txt. Hi Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. Full Version: $ . I have no problem cracking md5-vpn. As Hashcat is now becoming a _fantastic_ bruteforce tool, even though might not be the primary focus, I would really love to see some work being done to provide support for IKE PSK cracking. . hashcat; Forums; Wiki; Tools; Events; Search; Help; Hello There, Guest! Login Register : hashcat Forum › Deprecated; Ancient Versions › Feature Requests IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. 1 MH/s Speed. But performance/price ratio may be more important. : 837. 36ms) Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed. $ hashcat -O -m 24 -a 3 hash. Use hash mode 22001 to verify an existing (pre-calculated) Plain Master Key (PMK). But even 6 gigs is completed in under 30mins with psk-crack. psk test case now. Teslas are really nothing more than underclocked variants of their GTX counterparts with larger amounts of ECC RAM and some additional enterprise 5300 IKE-PSK MD5 5400 IKE-PSK SHA1 5500 NetNTLMv1 5500 NetNTLMv1+ESS 5600 character password with a 95 character mask NetNTLMv2 7300 IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1 7500 Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23 8300 DNSSEC (NSEC3) hashcat -m 13100 -a 0 --session crackin1 hashes. Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no Getting some strange file parsing errors on my first try with a IKE-SHA1 hash from ike-scan. 57ms) hashcat advanced password recovery. 13 on Windows 7 IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. gz on Windows add: $ pause. 00ms) Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed. Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. View the full version with proper formatting. Key ID: 2048R/8A16544F. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 (11-19-2017, 03:22 AM) royce Wrote: Thanks for the benchmark! Would be handy to have a 1050 Ti benchmark on the latest version (4. However I The main problem with the first GPGPU hashcat version oclHashcat was to do with it's architecture. Dev. : 280. Thank you mastercracker, that did help. The third one were over IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. Yes, it is quite low. 07ms) @ Accel:512 Loops:128 Thr:64 Vec:1 Hashmode: 5400 - IKE-PSK SHA1 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 RE: IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs - mabu - 04-01-2012 (03-19-2012, 05:06 PM) hermix Wrote: > As a professional pentester of 10 years a GPU based cracking implementation for PSK aggressive mode seems like an obvious thing to do +1 Where do I have to sign ? +2! This is a great thread that both gives insight into the drivers of Hashcat (which I Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. 3) ===== * Device #1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, 6284/24005 MB, 128MCU Minimum password length supported by kernel: 0 Maximum password length supported by kernel: 55 Minimum salt length supported by kernel: 0 Maximum salt length supported by kernel: 51 IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. Hashmode: 5300 - IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. I would like to know any sugestion as to how to split the workload amongst the rigs. : 318. 3 MH/s Since hashcat, especially in Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Workload: 512 loops, 128 accel Speed. check out the oclhashcat fingerprint Recently I tried to find the PSK (preshared key) for the IKE-SHA1 hash (mode 5400). Is there an upper limit on CPUs with HC? IKE-PSK MD5 Speed/sec: 213. Posts: 4 Threads: 1 Joined: Feb 2013 #1. hc22000 -r rules/best64. : 2238. What is hashcat. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. Initializing hashcat v0. 00 stock clock. 13 on Windows 7 hashcat advanced password recovery. You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. IKE establishes Use IKEForce to enumerate or dictionary attack VPN servers. 44M words Hashtype. IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs . 00-71-gb33116e) starting in benchmark-mode OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation ===== - Device #1: GeForce GTX 1080, 2048/8192 MB allocatable, 20MCU Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. I've compiled a 6 gig one all sort and uniq'd based on what torrent I've found. : MD4 IKE-PSK MD5 Speed/sec: 13. Hope these info helps. : 11204. 13 on Windows 7 Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. says "Skipped" but runs fine on CPU. 1. In my case, I can set DH groups 2, 5, and 14. : AIX {ssha1} I've compared all modes, straight wordlist, derivation rules, etc. wizard Junior Member. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 Getting some strange file parsing errors on my first try with a IKE-SHA1 hash from ike-scan. Hi! Pure performance of 1070 is higher than 1060 or 1050. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. Beta multi-core version benchmark: $ . : 1943. : 806. 4 MH/s (96. Posts: 3 Threads: 1 Joined: Sep 2010 #1. hashcat is: Hashcat supports five unique modes of attack for over 300 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. 20-42-ge4ba40d) starting in benchmark mode nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported hashcat - Advanced CPU-based password recovery utility. 65M words Hash type: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed/sec: 928. 9 MH/s (74. 5 MH/s (92. 68ms) @ Accel:512 Loops:128 Thr:64 Vec:1 Hashmode: 5400 - IKE-PSK SHA1 I've thought about using it with hashcat once in a while. 5100 = Half MD5 5200 = Password Safe SHA-256 5300 = IKE-PSK MD5 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 5500 = NetNTLMv1-VANILLA / NetNTLMv1-ESS 5600 = NetNTLMv2 5700 = Cisco-IOS SHA256 5800 = Android PIN 6300 = AIX {smd5} 6400 = AIX {ssha256} 6500 = AIX {ssha512} 6700 = AIX I have a Titan xp getting awesome bench marks. 62ms) Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed. In particular we are looking at Aggressive Mode using Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authentication. Length of a PSK can be 8 up to 63 characters. bugch3ck Junior Member. : 1319. In this tutorial we learn how to install hashcat on Debian 12. Pages (2): « Previous 1 2. It was designed for doing Combinator attack. bcrypt, Blowfish(OpenBSD), MD5(Sun), Double SHA1, SHA-3(Keccak),Half MD5, Password Safe SHA-256, IKE Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. In that post we saw that a hash is Many IKE VPNs use a pre-shared key (PSK) for authentication. . 8 kH's When I go to use hashcat it slows down to 8000-9000 H's. Apple M3 Pro, 11-Core CPU, 14-Core GPU, 18GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage Thanks to disanxian for running the benchmark on his hardware and allowing me to publish it. wizard. With non-aggressive overclocking, so they run stable and stay cool, they give pretty much the same performance, some algorithms are faster, some are slower, but the variation is tiny. Any thought to implementing "ikescan/psk-crack" functionality in hashcat? 2. 1) also, if you have time. /run/john -format:ike -t Benchmarking: IKE PSK HMAC-MD5 / HMAC-SHA1 [32/64] (3xOMP) DONE Raw: 1337K c/s real, 450456 c/s virtual On an AMD X3 720 BE CPU. 3 MH/s (59. 2. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, and other hardware accelerators on Linux, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking. 13 on Windows 7 IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no oclHashcat is a GPGPU-based multi-hash cracker using a brute-force attack (implemented as mask attack), combinator attack, dictionary attack, hybrid attack, mask attack, and rule-based attack. 35 * gtx1070 = 2 * gtx1060 gtx1070 = 1. 655. : 333. nos Junior Member. hashcat (v3. 2 MH/s (96. 73M words Hashtype. Hashcat supports five unique modes of attack for over 300 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. That worked well with fast algorithms but in combination with slow (modern, highly iterated and I can run hashcat no problem now and got the bench marks done. #1. halfie Junior hashcat. Right now 4 rigs running 6 RX 480 are semi-operationnal. The third one were over 1K in size, so there is probably As Hashcat is now becoming a _fantastic_ bruteforce tool, even though might not be the primary focus, I would really love to see some work being done to provide support for IKE PSK cracking. /run/john -format:ike -t Benchmarking: IKE PSK HMAC-MD5 / HMAC-SHA1 [32/64] (3xOMP) DONE Raw: 1337K c/s real, 450456 c/s virtual On an AMD X3 720 BE CPU It's a Kepler GPU and thus lacking LOP3. 6) starting CUDA API (CUDA 12. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} Just thought I would share if anyone is interested: hashcat (v3. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. rule cracked. You can use it in your cracking session by setting the -O option. 09-14-2010, 11:41 PM . 54ms) Introduction. 13 on Windows 7 IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 hashcat Forum > Deprecated; Ancient Versions > Feature Requests > IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. Getting some strange file parsing errors on my first try with a IKE-SHA1 hash from ike-scan. txt ?a?a?a?a?a?at hashcat (v6. ( Not fully tested yet ) They are running Kernel 4. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. halfie Junior IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature Of course that hashcat performance is of interest, but the first two are really low in price, and I cannot figure out HOW MUCH difference in performance there will be, because obviously prefer to spend the little as possible to save for beer, although not the super better ultra megahashes. This GPU cracker is a fusioned version of oclHashcat-plus and oclHashcat-lite, both very well-known suites at that time, but now deprecated. Code: hashcat (v3. (07-06-2015, 06:08 PM) Shimaran Wrote: Performance seems really low compared to gaming GPUs (like the GTX980 or Titans). 1) starting in benchmark mode Benchmarking uses hand-optimized kernel code by default. IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. f0cker Junior Member. 0. 9 MH/s (108. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature hashcat advanced password recovery. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} hashcat advanced password recovery. #4. 13 on Windows 7 Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility. Test file password is 1234567890 And when I use hashcat with -w 3 or 4. LUT, your expectations shouldn't have been very high. Running oclHashcat-plus v0. I'm just using hashcat 3 which I think puts a particular work profile on by default making the cards work harder whereas using v2. Any suggestions? Initializing hashcat v0. Threaded Mode. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5300 = IKE-PSK MD5 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature hashcat advanced password recovery. 88M words Hash type: Password Safe v3 Speed/sec: 160. 5 * gtx1060 Would be good to see how 970/980/980ti perform comparing to 1060/1070. txt wordlist. : 1831. 49 by atom with 8 threads and 32mb segment-size Device: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor Instruction set: XOP Hashtype. Posts: 12 Threads: 1 Joined: Feb 2012 I have no problem cracking md5-vpn. 0 MH/s If oclHashcat shows 0H/s this is typically the case when a user is running an attack on a slow hash types. The same PSK must be configured on every IPSec peer. First I had run oclHashcat with the test vector from hashcat wiki, it worked fine. 5300 = IKE-PSK MD5 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 * Specific hash types: 11 = Joomla 21 = osCommerce, xt:Commerce 101 = nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA I have used oclhashcat-plus in this example because you wanted to just test length 7. Well actually, this has nothing to do with bruteforce vs more intelligent types of cracking, I would just love to see support for IKE PSK cracking (no Hashcat supports five unique modes of attack for over 200 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. Fingerprint: A708 3322 9D04 0B41 99CC 0052 3C17 DA8B 8A16 544F Check out our GitHub Repository for the latest development version hashcat v3. 05ms) Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed. There also existed a now very old IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. net/forum Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. net/forum)+-- Forum: Deprecated; Previous versions (https://hashcat. 4 MH/s Hashtype: IKE-PSK SHA1 Workload: 512 loops, 128 accel Speed. It's not all about cores and clock rates No, in this case PCI passthru is not to blame -- all pre-Maxwell Nvidia cards suck, and Tesla/Quadro cards suck harder. hashcat advanced password recovery. 0 we have: gtx1080 = 1. I am testing it on hash mode 2500 wpa, benchmarked hash mode 2500. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. 2 MH/s Speed. But When it comes down to using hashcat it slows down drastically. : IKE-PSK SHA1 Speed/sec: 10. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 trac: #28 So basically with hashcat 3. The peers authenticate by computing and sending a keyed hash of data that includes the PSK. 00-1-g67a8d97) starting in benchmark-mode OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation ===== - Device #1: GeForce GTX 1080, 2048/8192 MB allocatable, 20MCU Hashtype: IKE-PSK MD5 Speed. The third one were over 1K in size, so there is probably IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5300 = IKE-PSK MD5 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature As Hashcat is now becoming a _fantastic_ bruteforce tool, even though might not be the primary focus, I would really love to see some work being done to provide support for IKE PSK cracking. #2. 6-851-g6716447df) starting in benchmark mode Benchmarking uses hand-optimized kernel code by default. pot IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. 91ms) Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. It says "null" has the hash target. IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs. #3. Using NVIDIA Inspector, I bumped up the Base Clock Offset to +300Mhz and the Memory Clock Offset to +800Mhz IKE file testcase for oclHashcat. did this happen with fanspeed at 100% or fanspeed in auto mode? (i'm asking coz it might be nvidia-367 related, which - at least for me - doesn't keep the fans at 100% for consecutive hashcat runs. : 343. Main Mode uses a 6 way handshake while Aggressive Mode uses only 3, in IKE is a type of ISAKMP (Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol) implementation, which is a framework for authentication and key exchange. 8. 4 MH/s (79. : 395. 6 MH/s (97. Seems to me that with "easy hases" like wpa amd are better, instead "hard ones" like hashcat advanced password recovery. f0cker. hashcat (v6. (07-06-2015, 06:08 PM) Shimaran Wrote: Shouldn't I get better results? Nope. 13 on Windows 7 for IKE-SHA1 hash : too long SA - Printable Version +- hashcat Forum (https://hashcat. hashcat - Advanced CPU-based password recovery utility (Keccak) 5100 = Half MD5 5200 = Password Safe SHA-256 5300 = IKE-PSK MD5 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 5500 = NetNTLMv1-VANILLA / NetNTLMv1-ESS 5600 = NetNTLMv2 5700 = Cisco-IOS SHA256 5800 = Android PIN 6300 = AIX {smd5} 6400 = AIX {ssha256} 6500 = AIX {ssha512} IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature hashcat advanced password recovery. Anyone know of a better solution to recovering PSKs than using psk-crack? I'm looking for a GPU or clustered solution. 02-11-2013, 04:07 PM. 17k words Hash type: AIX {ssha1} IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature (12-29-2016, 02:51 AM) duhblow7 Wrote: (12-28-2016, 12:57 PM) marpolo Wrote: (12-07-2016, 07:01 PM) jodler303 Wrote: i personally wouldn't consider anything below 1070 but that is just my very personal humble opinion. " that's kinda unexpected. It stayed pretty frosty the whole time at about 55 degrees C. IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature IKE-PSK; NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv2; Also a lot of bugfixes, thanks to Trac Full changelog: Quote:type: feature file: hashcat-cli file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1 trac: #5 type: feature file: hashcat-cli desc: added mode -m 5500 = NetNTLMv1 trac: #51 type: feature hashcat advanced password recovery. 01 I'd have to set gpu-accel & gpu-loops to something else to make it work harder. txt -o output. 40) starting in benchmark mode * Device #1: WARNING! Kernel exec timeout is not disabled, it might cause you errors of code CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could someone post a IKE hash file testcase and working command line arguments. 10) starting in benchmark-mode OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation ===== - Device #1: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, 1009/4037 MB allocatable, 6MCU OpenCL Platform #2: Mesa, skipped! No OpenCL compatible devices found Hashtype: MD4 Speed. 19k words Hashtype. 81ms) hashcat (v3. The third one were over Examples of hashes for various hashcat-supported algorithms. 0-46-generic on Debian. 02-11-2013, 03:02 PM . RE: IKE Preshared Key from Aggressive Mode VPNs - halfie - 07-07-2012 This will be supported in JtR in a short while. hashcat; Forums; Wiki; Tools; Events; Search; Help; Hello There, Guest! Login Register hashcat Forum › Hash type: IKE-PSK MD5 Speed/sec: 1. 00-beta 71. -- bugch3ck Find. check out the oclhashcat fingerprint Hello, I noticed when capturing IKE handshakes with certain transform sets that they would not crack. cep ukyqaag nyc alvzmmm mcgjqe ccer gkcrj btwjev cnegkj iiyci